We are connected

Professional Cooperation To The Best Services

Since Asia Maritime Food established up to now, we are became a worldwide trusted frozen seafood supplier in 12 worldwide countries.

Our customers give fabulous trust to us are created by their experienced while done business with us, speed of handle export documents, and extra knowledge about the products.

Our Customers Trust To Us

Trusted Supplier

Our teams are committed to worked with integrity, accurate, and speed to delight our customers expectation

Served Countries

Asia Maritime Food already served 12 countries and will continued to grow.

Products Knowledge Updated

Not talk about business only, but we are also regularly advise new updated and knowledge to our customers as well.

Professional Cooperation

We are professional and reliable company while customers need us.

We Are Connected

We Are Served All Customers

In order to became problem solver in frozen seafood industry, Asia Maritime Food served all business type background, such as manufacturer, distributor or bulk, and trader as well.

Manufacture (%)
Distributor (%)
Trader (%)

What Our Clients Saying ?


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