
In anticipation of the first anchovy season of 2021 in the north-central area of Peru, ongoing fishing activities are occuring in the south of the country with the quota of 409 000 tonnes. Until mid – April, over 30 percent of the quota was reported to be landed. So far, the overall condition of the anchovy biomass along the coast is quite promising, both in terms of climate and biomass situation and the upcoming season will likely have a positive quota. COVID-19 cases in Peru reached a record high in April, yet implications for the industry still have to be explored. Summary of 2020 It was believed that COVID-19 would have upended the global fisheries and aquaculture industry in 2020, and the production of fishmeal and fish oil was no exception. However, the fishmeal sector itself was fortunate to be less-impacted by COVID-19, mainly as a result of Peru’s positive performance. The first fishing season in the north-center area in 2020 was set at a quota of 2.41 million tonnes which were almost fulfilled completely; while the second season was even more positive with a quota at 2.78 million tonnes which resulted in total landings of 2.45 million tonnes (88 percent). Apart from the lead producer, other market players, like Chile, the United States of America and European Union, performed well in 2020, and jointly contributed to the successful season of the fishmeal and fish oil sector. With total landings of anchovy amounting to over 4.45 million tonnes in 2020, Peru’s output of fishmeal reached 1.04 million tonnes, up by 30 percent compared to 2019. Nordic countries also reported good progress in fishmeal production, for example, the combined quantity from Denmark and Norway totalled 355 476 tonnes, equivalent to an increase of 12.8 percent compared to 2019. Meanwhile, Chile’s production slightly shrunk to 329 025 tonnes (-7 percent). The yield of fish oil has observed the same progressive pattern, with the leading producers all reporting positive growth.